Ears To You is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit created by a cancer survivor and is dedicated to lifting the spirits of cancer patients by creating a moment of joy and hope.  We work to boost the self-esteem of and provide hope to cancer patients through our donations of earrings, hats, headscarves, and inspirational books. Ears To You supports cancer patients (women, men and children) who are undergoing treatments for any type of cancer.  Get involved today by becoming a sponsor, a participating hospital, a donor or as a guest at our fundraisers!

Ruth’s Story

The story of why Ears To You was created.

Our Partners

The hospitals and businesses that make Ears To You possible.

Board of Directors

Ruth Crane

Ruth Crane
Exec. Director/Founder

Debbie Smith

Debbie Smith

Kitty Russ

Kitty Russ
Board Member

Ellen Chaney
Board Member

Roman Paich photo

Roman Paich
Board Member