We’re seeking opportunities to share the story and mission of Ears To You with local groups, businesses, and organizational meetings to create partnerships.
Ears To You Founder and Executive Director Ruth Crane is passionate about public speaking and talking to small and large groups about her experiences with Ears To You, defeating cancer, and overcoming life’s obstacles. She is comfortable sharing her story, her journey, and her desire to bring hope and joy to cancer patients of all ages!
Ruth also enjoys teaching leadership development, and has a Master’s Degree in Higher Education Administration that has helped her train and support many types of leaders. She has spoken at women’s retreats, sorority and Panhellenic Council meetings, organizational meetings, church functions, and has been in several national publications as well as interviewed on local tv, radio and news channels. Please contact Ruth today to schedule a presentation!
Presentation Topics
- “Thriving Through Adversity”
- “What Ingredients Do I Need?” (How To Start a Program From Scratch)
- “How Much Lemonade Can I Make?” (Turning Life’s Challenges Into Opportunities)
- GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms): What are They, Where are They, and How Can You Avoid Them
- Women in Leadership
- Nonprofit Development and Management